Maya Music Therapy services are practical, personalized, and designed for children and adults with various needs and abilities. Relying on clinically verified techniques, real world experience, and a proven track record of success, we are dedicated to provide you with the highest care.
Maya Music Therapy strongly believes in the client achieving a greater degree of independence and integration. Our services focus on the person's abilities to accomplish growth. Each of our music therapy treatment is specifically tailored to our client’s needs.
Maya Music Therapy provides:
* One-on-one sessions
* Group sessions
* Business-sponsored sessions to maintain and improve employee health
* Hospital services for applying music therapy to patients already undergoing other treatments
Our services include:
Assessment session
30 to 60 minute music therapy sessions
Clinically approved documentation
We operate in the East Bay area, California.
Older adults with Dementia
Cancer survivors
Children and adults with developmental disabilities
Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Individuals with Traumatic Brian Injury
Clients who experience Loss & grief
New parents